Lawmakers have a duty to overrule the people when they’re wrong
The voters have never been shy about overruling or changing law made by the Legislature. The same should hold true in reverse.
The voters have never been shy about overruling or changing law made by the Legislature. The same should hold true in reverse.
This Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for one of the most brilliant inventions of the founding generation, the Electoral College. Now, don’t misunderstand me. My declaration of thanks to this archaic yet ingenious system has nothing to do with the particular outcome of the presidential election in 2016. The Electoral College is a brilliant idea […]
Those peddling a ballot initiative should collect signatures in Washington, Hancock, Aroostook, Piscataquis, Somerset, Franklin and Oxford counties.
Realigning elections, which are presidential elections that fundamentally alter the status quo of the political order, tend to happen in this country every 30 or 40 years. In 1800, the victory of Thomas Jefferson over John Adams represented the triumph of the Jeffersonian advocates of limited government, over the Federalists who favored a more powerful, […]
If you think your vote doesn’t matter on election day because you live in Maine, think again. There is a very, very real possibility Maine — particularly Maine’s second congressional district, could decide the election. One electoral vote? Yes. One electoral vote. Let’s start by taking a look at the state of the race as […]
None of this would even be an issue at all if Hillary Clinton hadn’t done something worthy of an FBI investigation.